Acupuncture FAQ

Does acupuncture work?

Absolutely! Acupuncture has a rich history spanning thousands of years, offering relief and promoting health. At Beyond Zen Studio, we have seen remarkable success in helping hundreds of individuals. Our approach targets the root cause of your health issues, fostering natural healing and symptom alleviation.

What conditions can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is versatile, effectively treating a wide range of conditions, including addicitons, allergies, acne, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, colitis, common cold, constipation, digestive issues, depression, emotional challenges, facial paralysis, general fatigue, fibromyalgia, fertility issues, headaches, hormonal imbalance, irritable bowel syndrome, lower back pain, menopausal symptoms, migraines, morning sickness, nausea, PMS, sciatica, side effects of cancer treatment, shoulder and knee pain, stress reduction, sleep disorders, tendonitis, and weight loss.

Do acupuncture needles hurt?

Acupuncture needles are incredibly thin — about the size of a human hair, far smaller than hypodermic needles used for injections. Most clients report little to no sensation upon insertion, perhaps feeling a minor sensation akin to plucking an eyebrow, a slight heaviness or a mild zing. Once the needles are in place, you should feel no discomfort.

How many treatments are needed to see results?

The number of treatments varies per individual, as everyone’s response to acupuncture is unique. Generally, positive changes are observed within 4-6 sessions. In traditional Chinese practice, frequent sessions over 7-10 days are common for initial treatments. While this approach is less practical in Western contexts, we recommend regular early sessions for quicker benefits. The frequency of visits decreases as your body stabilizes. Acute conditions often respond quickly, while chronic issues may require more time. A good rule of thumb is that longer-standing issues may need more sessions for lasting results.

What are other treatment option processes and benefits?

*Please note: these modalities are part of our comprehensive treatment approach at. Beyond Zen. Depending on your individual needs, our practitioners may include one or more of these techniques in your treatment. Fire cupping is also available as a standalone, 30-minute session for $65.

Fire Cupping

At Beyond Zen studio, we often integrate fire cupping with acupuncture, a practice revered in Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. This technique involves heating a glass cup with a flame-treated, alcohol-soaked cotton ball. The cup is then swiftly placed on the skin, creating a vacuum that gently pulls the skin in the cup. This process boosts blood circulation and energy flow in the treated area, potentially easing respiratory issues, improving digestion, and reducing pain. Most clients experience minimal to no discomfort during this treatment.


Gaining popularity in Western practices, Guasha is an East Asian technique involving pressured strokes over lubricated skin. It’s recognized for its anti-inflammatory effects and has been shown to alleviate chronic back pain. Ideal for conditions such as Achilles tendonitis or leg muscle issues, Guasha involves scrapping tight muscles to provide relief. Performed by practitioners skilled in East Asian therapies, Guasha stimulates blood flow and the immune system, helping the treatment of various ailments such as hepatitis B, fever, asthma, bronchitis, migraines, and more.


A key element in modern acupuncture, Moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort (moxa) near the skin’s surface. This technique aims to enhance Qi flow and dispel pathogens, addressing issues such as bodily dampness and cold, and even assisting in repositioning breech babies. Moxibustion is believed to counteract general weakness and is particularly effective in treating cardiac concerns and feelings of discomfort or fatigue.

Intradermal Needles

Intradermal needles, a vital aspect of contemporary acupuncture, are tiny stainless steel wires inserted just under the skin. Secured with medical tape, these needles provide ongoing treatment for up to a week without discomfort, even during movement. Ideal for addressing muscle soreness, localized pain and lethargy, intradermal needles are particularly effective in ear acupuncture points, offering relief from head to toe.

Qigong Energy Healing

This therapy focuses on rectifying energetic imbalances in the mind, body, and spirit. Emotional traumas can create blockages, leading to health issues. Qigong energy healing involves meditation, breathing, and gentle movement exercises aimed to clear blockages, break negative cycles, and restore balance and well-being.


Tuina, a form of Chinese bodywork therapy, utilizes various massage techniques, including acupressure, to target areas of dysfunction. This therapy is designed to realign balance and restore bodily function, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Holistic Wellness

Welcome to Beyond Zen, your comprehensive self-care studio. Our services cater to all aspects of your holistic health, including yoga, aerial yoga, Pilates, massage, acupuncture, boutique, privates, and personal health.